The New Charm of China's Intelligent Manufacturing, Hwatime Medical Pontšong ea Bo-51 ea Bongaka ea Dusseldorf Jeremane.

The New Charm of China's Intelligent Manufacturing, Hwatime Medical Pontšong ea Bo-51 ea Bongaka ea Dusseldorf Jeremane-1

The 51st Jeremane Düsseldorf International Medical Equipment Pontšo

MEDICA 2019 e kholo e ile ea buloa Setsing sa Machaba sa Kopano sa Dusseldorf le Lipontšo, Jeremane ka November 18, nako ea sebaka seo. Sebaka sa lipontšo se fihlile ho 283,800 square metres. 'Me lik'hamphani tse fetang 5,000 tse tsebahalang tsa machabeng tse tsoang linaheng tse ka bang 130 li nkile karolo pontšong ena.

The New Charm of China's Intelligent Manufacturing, Hwatime Medical Pontšong ea Bo-51 ea Bongaka ea Dusseldorf Jeremane-2

MEDICA ke ketsahalo e kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng bakeng sa lefapha la bongaka. Ka lilemo tse fetang 40 e thehiloe ka thata almanakeng ea setsebi se seng le se seng. Ho na le mabaka a mangata a etsang hore MEDICA e ikhetha. Taba ea pele, ketsahalo ena ke pontšo e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea khoebo ea bongaka lefatšeng.

The New Charm of China's Intelligent Manufacturing, Hwatime Medical Pontšong ea Bo-51 ea Bongaka ea Dusseldorf Jeremane-3

Ho feta moo, selemo se seng le se seng, batho ba etelletseng pele ho tsoa mafapheng a khoebo, lipatlisiso le lipolotiki ba khahlisa ketsahalo ena ea maemo a holimo ka boteng ba bona - ka tlhaho hammoho le mashome a likete a litsebi tsa naha le tsa machabeng le ba etsang liqeto ho tsoa lefapheng lena.

The New Charm of China's Intelligent Manufacturing, Hwatime Medical Pontšong ea Bo-51 ea Bongaka ea Dusseldorf Jeremane-4.

Joalo ka pontšo ea bongaka ea No.1 lefatšeng, boteng ba MEDICA bo boholo ho feta tekano ea khoebo. E etella pele tataiso ea nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea bongaka ea lefats'e, hape ke motsoako o phethahetseng oa kalafo ea bongaka le theknoloji ea sejoale-joale.
Pontšo ea mofani oa thepa ea theknoloji ea bongaka COMPAMED le MEDICA li bapala phello ea synergistic hammoho. Lipontšo tsena tse peli ka ho latellana li fana ka matla a tsitsitseng bakeng sa liindasteri tsa bona, ha ka nako e le 'ngoe li khothalletsa tsoelo-pele ea theknoloji ea bongaka.

The New Charm of China's Intelligent Manufacturing, Hwatime Medical Pontšong ea Bo-51 ea Bongaka ea Dusseldorf Jeremane-5

Hwatime Medical e ile ea kenya letsoho pontšong ea COMPAMED e Dusseldorf, Jeremane ka la 18-21 Pulungoana, 2019 ka mefuta e mengata e felletseng ea lihlahisoa tsa ho beha leihlo le sistimi ea tlhahiso ea oksijene ea limolek'hule ea PSA, mme e fihletse katleho e felletseng.

Pontšong ea matsatsi a 4, ha se bareki le bareki ba Hwatime Medical ba Europe feela ba ileng ba etela lephephe, empa hape le palo e kholo ea bareki ba bacha ba Europe, Amerika Boroa, Afrika ba tsoang linaheng tse fapaneng ho pota lefatše ba ile ba etela lephephe mme ba buisana ka litaba tsa tšebelisano. .

Hwatime Medical e hohetse palo e kholo ea bareki ba bacha ba ka bang teng le ho khothaletsa katoloso ea 'maraka oa machabeng oa China Medical ho fihlela boemo bo bocha.

Nako ea poso: Nov-22-2019